From Humble Beginnings...
Living Legends Customs and Designs was founded in 2020 in New York and has grown to become a highly recognized Custom Shop with a devoted clientele. We know the price and quality of our products are enough to keep people coming back, but we’re also highly committed to customer satisfaction and giving our customers a shopping experience they won’t find elsewhere. We take pride in offering our valued customers creative collections for each season. Try us on for size yourself and understand why so many have made Living Legends Custom Designs their favorite shopping destination.
Living Legends Customs and Designs caters to thoughtful shoppers who appreciate unique designs and top-quality pieces you just can’t find anywhere else. We are constantly curating fresh new collections and looking for the next big thing our customers will love. We are proud to be a shop that you can rely on for our expert service and care.
Mike & Shelby. Co-Owners of LLCD